Statement from the Association re: Trent University Health & Wellness Director

The Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) would like to express our condemnation of the actions of Trent’s Student Wellness Centre Director, Stewart Engleberg, during and immediately following the Students 4 Palestine Trent Protest on May 14th, 2024. This includes the filming of student demonstrators, and inflammatory comments made via Instagram.

Every student has the right to peacefully demonstrate their political beliefs without fear of retribution from the Trent University administration. They also have the right to access healthcare and other on-campus services without fear of political or religious discrimination. The actions of the current Wellness Centre Director do not reflect these rights. Student activists should not have to fear who has access to their personal information.

The TCSA stands in support of equitable access to healthcare without fear of discrimination or retribution, as well as the right of any student to peacefully protest.

Trent University Administration must condone the actions of faculty and staff who attack the religious and political affiliations of any student in such a public and demeaning manner. The TCSA calls on Trent University Administration to conduct a formal investigation into the Director's actions to assess his ability to effectively continue his role as a student healthcare administrator. Discrimination has no place in healthcare and post-secondary education. 

Yours in Solidarity, 

The Executives of the Trent Central Student Association