Transit During Trent's Exam Period

To our membership,

Please read the update below regarding Peterborough Transit during upcoming final exams:

Peterborough Transit is confident in their ability to deliver undisrupted service during the upcoming exam period. In addition to recently hiring more drivers, transit has additional route 6 runs planned if current base service reaches capacity. Full schedules and real time bus tracking can be found on the Transit App. Peterborough Transit would like to remind students to allow extra time to get to campus as unforeseen circumstances may arise, such as inclement weather.

The TCSA would like to also recognize that a motion was passed at Peterborough City Council on December 5, 2022 that would see the current transit system return to a hub-and-spoke model (all buses travelling to the downtown terminal) effective February 1, 2023. This motion is going back to council for a final vote and the TCSA, along with other stakeholders, will be addressing the potential issues this change may bring. Although the motion does have a date of February 1, 2023, services changes, as per our contract with the city, are not to be implemented during the academic year. We will continue to have discussions with city councilors and other stakeholders and will keep you informed of any updates as we receive them.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

TCSA Membership Feedback Survey

We invite all undergraduate Trent students to participate in our annual Student Feedback Survey.

Through this survey, we hope to gather information and feedback about your student experience, as well as the levels of student resources and supports on campus and how well they meet students' needs.

The survey is anonymous and confidential. After completing the survey, students can enter their email address for a chance to win 1 of 3 $100 gift cards to the Trent Bookstore.

Click here to participate in the TCSA Membership Feedback Survey.

Come work with us!

The TCSA is hiring for the position of part-time Front Desk Receptionist, starting in January 2023. The Association's Front Desk Receptionists are a team of front-line staff who ensure a quality customer service experience for all while engaging with students. While overseeing point-of-sale transactions and completing assigned secondary responsibilities they are relied upon to resolve simple concerns while directing more complex questions to the appropriate staff person.

Click here to see the full job posting.

To apply, email a copy of your resume and cover letter to the Association Resource Manager at Applications should be received no later than 11:59pm on Tuesday, December 13th, 2022 to be considered for this role. Cover letters may be addressed to the Trent Central Student Association or Hiring Committee. Please be sure to indicate the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the email.

We are hiring!

The TCSA is growing and we are looking for someone to join our team! Are you dedicated to helping students and making sure students know about all the services available on campus? Do you love engaging with students and talking to people?

We are looking for a full-time Services Manager to oversee all the various student services we provide. Recent Trent University grads are encouraged to apply. Click here for a full job description and details about how to apply. The deadline to apply for this position is Friday, December 9th at 12pm.

TCSA Fall Annual General Meeting Announcement

Each semester, the TCSA holds a Semi-Annual General Meeting of the membership. These meetings are open to everybody, and they are a great way to see what your student association Executives and Board of Directors are working on.

During our AGM, we will be voting on proposed by-law and policy changes, reviewing the TCSA budget, and more. Our fall Semi-Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022 at 4pm in the Student Centre Event Space. We will be serving pizza.

All students are welcome to attend. Please bring your student ID to vote. Meeting agenda and materials, including proposed by-law and policy changes, can be found here.

Questions about our AGM? Email

A Statement regarding TCSA's Freedom Lounge

The Freedom Lounge is a space of celebration, support, and solidarity.

It is a study space for students to hang out regardless of race, ethnicity, or background. The space is dedicated to supporting racialized individuals through passive and active educational programming to raise awareness and join people together as a means of establishing community. The Freedom Lounge has always been open to any students interested in using the space to study or relax.

The Trent Central Student Association continuously communicates that we do not condone any one being asked to leave the space, rather for individuals to be aware of the space that they occupy. Understanding that the Freedom Lounge is one of few spaces of its kind emerging in Canadian universities, we are still establishing policies and pivoting where necessary given feedback.

Spaces meant to build community for marginalized groups have never been intended to exclude, nor limit others' experience.

It is important to note that non-racialized students are welcome within the Freedom Lounge, however they must remain mindful as the space is designated to support racialized initiatives and community members.

The Freedom Lounge sometimes holds events or campaigns to support specific racialized groups at different points in the year. For example, during Black History Month events have been held specifically to provide a space of solidarity and affirming the Black student community’s lived experience since Black History Month can be an emotionally taxing time.

Our Freedom Lounge is not meant to divide or encourage discrimination, instead we aim to unite.

Meet the Candidates Running in the TCSA Fall By-Election

Tune in to Instagram Live on Thursday, October 6th at 5pm to meet the candidates running in the TCSA fall by-elections!

We have one candidate running for the position of Racialized Students Commissioner, and one candidate running for the position of Students with Disabilities Commissioner. Hear why they are running for the TCSA Board of Directors and some of the ways they hope to advocate for students.

You can also ask questions in the chat to each candidate about issues Trent students face and changes you’d like to see on campus.

Get to know our candidates! Candidate platforms are also available here for you to read.

Join us on Instagram @theTCSA.

TCSA to Host Municipal Election Candidates

We invite all students and Trent community members to attend our Municipal Election Candidate Meet & Greet event on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 from 6pm to 8pm in the Student Centre (second floor).

You will have the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates running for Peterborough/Nogojiwanong city council regarding issues that affect Trent students, such as housing transit, food security, and more.

All are welcome. If you have any questions about this event please email

Transit: Extra Buses for HOTT

In anticipation of Head of the Trent weekend, on Saturday, October 1st there will be extra yellow school buses travelling to and from campus from downtown Peterborough during the specified times below:

  • 2pm to 7pm: 4 extra buses travelling from the terminal to Blackburn Hall, via George St. & Parkhill Rd.

  • 11pm to 3am (late night service): 2 extra buses travelling from the terminal to Bata Library

Please remember to be safe this weekend!

Transit Update: A Message to Our Membership

The Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) is aware of the Peterborough Transit service interruptions, which have included cancelled routes and delays. We share the same thoughts as our students that these disruptions are unacceptable. 

On Sunday, September 11th, our Board of Directors struck a special committee to tackle the issue of Peterborough Transit. We have met with both Peterborough Transit management and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1320 to discuss a path forward that will bring the promised level of service to our membership.

To help us in these discussions and to ensure we are speaking for our membership, we are seeking your feedback and ask that you take a moment to answer our survey questions. We will be drawing three winners for $50 Trent cash.

Below are tools available to you that will help track and hopefully reduce the impact of any transit disruptions taking place. You may also reach out by emailing or

In solidarity

TCSA President, Zoe Litow-Daye

Click here to take our survey.

Transit Tools To Use:

MyBEAT Peterborough: Register to receive transit alerts via email or SMS/Text.

Transit App: Download the transit app to receive live bus tracking information.

Peterborough Transit Twitter: Follow the transit Twitter account to receive updates on route delays or cancellations.

TCSA Office Closed on Labour Day: Monday, September 5, 2022

The TCSA office will be closed on Monday, September 5th, 2022 for the Labour Day statutory holiday.

Members of our staff and executive team will be in the Student Centre on this day from 3pm to 6pm in the Event Space (1.07) for a first year Orientation Week event if you have any urgent questions or would like to come meet your student union.

We can also be reached via email at or call/leave us a voicemail at (705) 748-1000.

Extra Summer Exam Buses: Sunday, July 31st, 2022

This Sunday, July 31st, there will be extra buses travelling to and from campus in the evening for students writing summer exams. See below:

Route 6 - Sherbrooke departing Bata Library and travelling to the downtown terminal at:
• 8:40pm
• 9:10pm
• 9:40pm
• 10:10pm

Each trip will return to Bata Library via the 6C Armour Road for students living in East City.

Registration for Fall Clubs & Groups Day is now Open!

Each semester, the TCSA hosts Clubs & Groups Day on campus for students to meet and browse the various Students clubs and groups they can join.

Fall Clubs and Groups Day will be held on Tuesday, September 13th on Bata Podium from 10am to 2pm.

If you are a registered club or group, you can sign up for a spot to showcase your club. Each spot will be equipped with one (1) table and two (2) chairs. Please ensure that you will have club members to set-up and take-down any materials you will have.

Register for a spot by clicking here. Questions? Email

The TCSA is hiring!

We are looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated, hard-working students to be part of our Brand Ambassador Team!

Brand Ambassadors serve our membership by promoting TCSA’s services, assisting in events, and communicating with students. Brand Ambassadors are an essential part of our team and help create opportunities for membership engagement throughout the year.

Current/returning students are encouraged to apply. We have two (2) positions open.

Click here to view the job description and application details. Applications are due by 11:59pm on Sunday, August 7th, 2022.

Vendor Call Out

Calling all local and student-run businesses!

The TCSA is accepting applications for our annual Vendors Day event, as well as for our very first Indigenous Artisan Market & Drum Social.

Vendors Day is an outdoor market on campus and will be held on Thursday, September 15th. If interested, please fill out the application form.

The Indigenous Artisan Market & Drum Social will be held on Monday, September 19th. Apply to the Indigenous Artisan Market at this application link.

Applications for both markets close on July 17th at 11:59pm.

Questions? Email TCSA Community Coordinator, Ashley, at

Artist Announced for Orange Shirt Campaign

Today, on National Indigenous Peoples Day, we would like to take a moment to announce Sabrina from @miskominmanidoomin as our artist for our Orange Shirt Campaign this fall!

Sabrina Fontaine is an Ojibwe beadwork artist, illustrator, and activist from Garden River Reservations and currently resides on Askunessippi (Antler River) in London, Ontario, but loves visiting us this way to canoe on the Odoonabii-ziibi in Nogojiwanong.

Sabrina owns and operates Miskomin Manidoomin, a small beadwork and art shop. Her work focuses on celebrating the natural world, blending traditional practices with modern art styles, and shining light on generational, systemic injustices faces by many Indigenous peoples.

Trent students and community members will be able to submit drawings and artwork to be transformed into prints, stickers, and patches for solidarity as part of our Orange Shirt campaign. All proceeds from product sales will be donated to local Indigenous organizations at the discretion of the Elders Council.

TCSA Meets with Trent University PVP

Today the TCSA met with the PVP (Presidents and Vice Presidents) team to discuss important topics that impact students. Today we covered the topics of enrollment, enhancing campus diversity and safety, food insecurity, and standardized hybrid learning.

Meeting highlights:
• One more full-time academic advisor was hired (7 total).
• Trent International has hired a global engagement team who will focus on immigration support, programming and wellness (6 staff total).
• There are plans to hire another virtual counsellor this year through government grants.
• Both Stephanie Williams and Glennice Burns committed to having further conversations about comprehensive and anti-oppressive training for security guards.
• Julie Davis has committed to further conversations about tackling food insecurity on campus.
• Leo Groarke and Tariq Al-Idrissi have committed to further conversations about improving campus transit and building a bus terminal.
• The university has equipped 10 more classrooms to support hybrid learning that will be completed by the end of summer. This brings the campus total to 22 hybridized classroom spaces.

Pictured: Zoe Litow (TCSA President), Amiée Anctil (VP Campaigns & Equity), Shay Surujnarain (VP University & College Affairs), and Holly Naraine (VP Student Health & Wellness), Leo Groarke (President), Michael Khan (Provost and VP Academic), Julie Davis (VP External Relations & Advancement), Tariq Al-Idrissi (VP Finance & Administration), Cathy Bruce (VP Research & Innovation), Marilyn Burns (VP Communications & Enrollment), Stephanie Williams (VP Human Resources), Glennice Burns (AVP International), Nona Robinson (AVP Student Affairs).

TCSA Clubs & Groups Registration and Funding Now Open

Thinking of starting a new club? Looking to renew your club’s registration? TCSA clubs and groups registration and funding applications are open for Summer 2022.

Get a head start on your club or group’s registration by filling out the registration forms on our website. Applications for TCSA club funding are also open.

Questions about the club registration process? Email Ashley DeBeyer at